Example description

nag_interp_dim2_triang_interp (e01sjc) Example Program Data
      30                      M, the number of data points
     11.16    1.24   22.15    X, Y, F data point definition
     12.85    3.06   22.11
     19.85   10.72    7.97
     19.72    1.39   16.83
     15.91    7.74   15.30
      0.00   20.00   34.60
     20.87   20.00    5.74
      3.45   12.78   41.24
     14.26   17.87   10.74
     17.43    3.46   18.60
     22.80   12.39    5.47
      7.58    1.98   29.87
     25.00   11.87    4.40
      0.00    0.00   58.20
      9.66   20.00    4.73
      5.22   14.66   40.36
     17.25   19.57    6.43
     25.00    3.87    8.74
     12.13   10.79   13.71
     22.23    6.21   10.25
     11.52    8.53   15.74
     15.20    0.00   21.60
      7.54   10.69   19.31
     17.32   13.78   12.11
      2.14   15.03   53.10
      0.51    8.37   49.43
     22.69   19.63    3.25
      5.47   17.13   28.63
     21.67   14.36    5.52
      3.31    0.33   44.08    End of the data points
   7    3.0   21.0            Grid definition, X axis
   6    2.0   17.0            Grid definition, Y axis