NAG CPP Interface


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1 Description

This argument controls the maximum number of iterative refinement iterations (see Solving the KKT System) used at each main iteration when nps_p_ilpneas = ‘’Normal Equations‘’
Used by: nps_p_ilpmaxitref in e04mtf.
CommE04RA::setter_nps_p_ilpmaxitref returns a reference to the communication class itself.

2 Specification

CommE04RA LPIPMMaxIterativeRefinement(types::f77_integer value = Default =5 )
CommE04RA LPIPMMaxIterativeRefinement(types::f77_integer value = Default =5 , OptionalE04ZM opt)

3 Arguments

1: value types::f77_integer Scalar
On entry: the required value of the argument.
Default =5
2: opt OptionalE04ZM Scalar
Optional argument container, derived from Optional.