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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

Keyword : Rectangular

D03RAF   General system of second-order PDEs, method of lines, finite differences, remeshing, two space variables, rectangular region
E01DAF   Interpolating functions, fitting bicubic spline, data on rectangular grid
E02DCF   Least squares surface fit by bicubic splines with automatic knot placement, data on rectangular grid
F01ZCF   Convert real matrix between packed banded and rectangular storage schemes
F01ZDF   Convert complex matrix between packed banded and rectangular storage schemes
F06PAF   Matrix-vector product, real rectangular matrix
F06PBF   Matrix-vector product, real rectangular band matrix
F06PMF   Rank-1 update, real rectangular matrix
F06QFF   Matrix copy, real rectangular or trapezoidal matrix
F06QHF   Matrix initialization, real rectangular matrix
F06QJF   Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array
F06QKF   Permute rows or columns, real rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array
F06QXF   Apply sequence of plane rotations, real rectangular matrix
F06SAF   Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular matrix
F06SBF   Matrix-vector product, complex rectangular band matrix
F06SMF   Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, unconjugated vector
F06SNF   Rank-1 update, complex rectangular matrix, conjugated vector
F06TFF   Matrix copy, complex rectangular or trapezoidal matrix
F06THF   Matrix initialization, complex rectangular matrix
F06TXF   Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and complex sine
F06TYF   Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, complex cosine and real sine
F06VJF   Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by an integer array
F06VKF   Permute rows or columns, complex rectangular matrix, permutations represented by a real array
F06VXF   Apply sequence of plane rotations, complex rectangular matrix, real cosine and sine
F06YAF   Matrix-matrix product, two real rectangular matrices
F06YCF   Matrix-matrix product, one real symmetric matrix, one real rectangular matrix
F06YFF   Matrix-matrix product, one real triangular matrix, one real rectangular matrix
F06ZAF   Matrix-matrix product, two complex rectangular matrices
F06ZCF   Matrix-matrix product, one complex Hermitian matrix, one complex rectangular matrix
F06ZFF   Matrix-matrix product, one complex triangular matrix, one complex rectangular matrix
F06ZTF   Matrix-matrix product, one complex symmetric matrix, one complex rectangular matrix
F08AEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08AHF   LQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08ASF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08AVF   LQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08BEF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting
F08BFF   QR factorization of real general rectangular matrix with column pivoting, using BLAS-3
F08BSF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting
F08BTF   QR factorization of complex general rectangular matrix with column pivoting, using BLAS-3
F08CEF   QL factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08CHF   RQ factorization of real general rectangular matrix
F08CSF   QL factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08CVF   RQ factorization of complex general rectangular matrix
F08KEF   Orthogonal reduction of real general rectangular matrix to bidiagonal form
F08KSF   Unitary reduction of complex general rectangular matrix to bidiagonal form
G13CAF   Univariate time series, smoothed sample spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window
G13CCF   Multivariate time series, smoothed sample cross spectrum using rectangular, Bartlett, Tukey or Parzen lag window

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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013