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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

Keyword : Definite

E01BHF   Interpolated values, interpolant computed by E01BEF, definite integral, one variable
E02BDF   Evaluation of fitted cubic spline, definite integral
F01ABF   Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix using iterative refinement
F01ADF   Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix
F01BUF   ULDLTUT factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix
F01MCF   LDLT factorization of real symmetric positive definite variable-bandwidth matrix
F03BFF   Determinant of real symmetric positive definite matrix
F03BHF   Determinant of real symmetric positive definite banded matrix
F04ABF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides using iterative refinement (Black Box)
F04ASF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side using iterative refinement (Black Box)
F04BDF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations
F04BEF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F04BFF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive definite banded system of linear equations
F04BGF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F04CDF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations
F04CEF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F04CFF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive definite banded system of linear equations
F04CGF   Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F04FEF   Solution of the Yule–Walker equations for real symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix, one right-hand side
F04FFF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite Toeplitz system, one right-hand side
F04MCF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite variable-bandwidth simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized by F01MCF)
F04MEF   Update solution of the Yule–Walker equations for real symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix
F04MFF   Update solution of real symmetric positive definite Toeplitz system
F07FAF   Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations
F07FBF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations
F07FCF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution for a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations
F07FDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix
F07FEF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FFF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number
F07FGF   Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FHF   Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07FJF   Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FDF
F07FNF   Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations
F07FPF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations
F07FQF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution for a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations
F07FRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix
F07FSF   Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07FTF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number
F07FUF   Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07FVF   Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07FWF   Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07FRF
F07GAF   Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F07GBF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F07GDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, packed storage
F07GEF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GFF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number, packed storage
F07GGF   Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GHF   Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07GJF   Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GDF, packed storage
F07GNF   Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F07GPF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, packed storage
F07GRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, packed storage
F07GSF   Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07GTF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix and reduce its condition number, packed storage
F07GUF   Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07GVF   Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, packed storage
F07GWF   Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07GRF, packed storage
F07HAF   Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite banded system of linear equations
F07HBF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite banded system of linear equations
F07HDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix
F07HEF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HDF
F07HFF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a real symmetric positive definite banded matrix and reduce its condition number
F07HGF   Estimate condition number of real symmetric positive definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HDF
F07HHF   Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07HNF   Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite banded system of linear equations
F07HPF   Uses the Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite banded system of linear equations
F07HRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix
F07HSF   Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, matrix already factorized by F07HRF
F07HTF   Computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a complex Hermitian positive definite banded matrix and reduce its condition number
F07HUF   Estimate condition number of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix, matrix already factorized by F07HRF
F07HVF   Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite band system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07JAF   Computes the solution to a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F07JBF   Uses the modified Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F07JDF   Computes the modified Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix
F07JEF   Solves a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system using the modified Cholesky factorization computed by F07JDF
F07JGF   Computes the reciprocal of the condition number of a real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system using the modified Cholesky factorization computed by F07JDF
F07JHF   Refined solution with error bounds of real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07JNF   Computes the solution to a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F07JPF   Uses the modified Cholesky factorization to compute the solution, error-bound and condition estimate for a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
F07JRF   Computes the modified Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal matrix
F07JSF   Solves a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system using the modified Cholesky factorization computed by F07JRF
F07JUF   Computes the reciprocal of the condition number of a complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system using the modified Cholesky factorization computed by F07JRF
F07JVF   Refined solution with error bounds of complex Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides
F07KDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix
F07KRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix
F07WDF   Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WEF   Solution of real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, coefficient matrix already factorized by F07WDF, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WJF   Inverse of real symmetric positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07WDF, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WRF   Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WSF   Solution of complex Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations, multiple right-hand sides, coefficient matrix already factorized by F07WRF, Rectangular Full Packed format
F07WWF   Inverse of complex Hermitian positive definite matrix, matrix already factorized by F07WRF, Rectangular Full Packed format
F08JGF   Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix, reduced from real symmetric positive definite matrix
F08JUF   Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric positive definite tridiagonal matrix, reduced from complex Hermitian positive definite matrix
F08SAF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem
F08SBF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem
F08SCF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem (divide-and-conquer)
F08SEF   Reduction to standard form of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx, ABx=λx or BAx=λx, B factorized by F07FDF
F08SNF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem
F08SPF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem
F08SQF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem (divide-and-conquer)
F08SSF   Reduction to standard form of complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx, ABx=λx or BAx=λx, B factorized by F07FRF
F08TAF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem, packed storage
F08TBF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem, packed storage
F08TCF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem, packed storage (divide-and-conquer)
F08TEF   Reduction to standard form of real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx, ABx=λx or BAx=λx, packed storage, B factorized by F07GDF
F08TNF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem, packed storage
F08TPF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem, packed storage
F08TQF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem, packed storage (divide-and-conquer)
F08TSF   Reduction to standard form of complex Hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx, ABx=λx or BAx=λx, packed storage, B factorized by F07GRF
F08UAF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real banded generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem
F08UBF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real banded generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem
F08UCF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a real banded generalized symmetric-definite eigenproblem (divide-and-conquer)
F08UEF   Reduction of real symmetric-definite banded generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx to standard form Cy=λy, such that C has the same bandwidth as A
F08UFF   Computes a split Cholesky factorization of real symmetric positive definite band matrix A
F08UNF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex banded generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem
F08UPF   Computes selected eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex banded generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem
F08UQF   Computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally, the eigenvectors of a complex banded generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem (divide-and-conquer)
F08USF   Reduction of complex Hermitian-definite banded generalized eigenproblem Ax=λBx to standard form Cy=λ y, such that C has the same bandwidth as A
F08UTF   Computes a split Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix A

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Keyword Index for the NAG Library Manual
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2013