nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) (PDF version)
f11 Chapter Contents
f11 Chapter Introduction
NAG Library Manual

NAG Library Function Document

nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc)

+ Contents

    1  Purpose
    7  Accuracy

1  Purpose

nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) solves a system of complex linear equations involving the incomplete LU preconditioning matrix generated by nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).

2  Specification

#include <nag.h>
#include <nagf11.h>
void  nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (Nag_TransType trans, Integer n, const Complex a[], Integer la, const Integer irow[], const Integer icol[], const Integer ipivp[], const Integer ipivq[], const Integer istr[], const Integer idiag[], Nag_SparseNsym_CheckData check, const Complex y[], Complex x[], NagError *fail)

3  Description

nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) solves a system of complex linear equations
Mx=y,   or  MTx=y,
according to the value of the argument trans, where the matrix M=PLDUQ corresponds to an incomplete LU decomposition of a complex sparse matrix stored in coordinate storage (CS) format (see Section 2.1.1 in the f11 Chapter Introduction), as generated by nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
In the above decomposition L is a lower triangular sparse matrix with unit diagonal elements, D is a diagonal matrix, U is an upper triangular sparse matrix with unit diagonal elements and, P and Q are permutation matrices. L, D and U are supplied to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) through the matrix
which is an n by n sparse matrix, stored in CS format, as returned by nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc). The permutation matrices P and Q are returned from nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc) via the arrays ipivp and ipivq.
It is envisaged that a common use of nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) will be to carry out the preconditioning step required in the application of nag_sparse_nherm_basic_solver (f11bsc) to sparse complex linear systems. nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) is used for this purpose by the Black Box function nag_sparse_nherm_fac_sol (f11dqc).
nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) may also be used in combination with nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc) to solve a sparse system of complex linear equations directly (see Section 9.5 in nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc)). This use of nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) is illustrated in Section 10.

4  References


5  Arguments

1:     transNag_TransTypeInput
On entry: specifies whether or not the matrix M is transposed.
Mx=y is solved.
MTx=y is solved.
Constraint: trans=Nag_NoTrans or Nag_Trans.
2:     nIntegerInput
On entry: n, the order of the matrix M. This must be the same value as was supplied in the preceding call to nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
Constraint: n1.
3:     a[la]const ComplexInput
On entry: the values returned in the array a by a previous call to nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
4:     laIntegerInput
On entry: the dimension of the arrays a, irow and icol. This must be the same value supplied in the preceding call to nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
5:     irow[la]const IntegerInput
6:     icol[la]const IntegerInput
7:     ipivp[n]const IntegerInput
8:     ipivq[n]const IntegerInput
9:     istr[n+1]const IntegerInput
10:   idiag[n]const IntegerInput
On entry: the values returned in arrays irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag by a previous call to nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
11:   checkNag_SparseNsym_CheckDataInput
On entry: specifies whether or not the CS representation of the matrix M should be checked.
Checks are carried on the values of n, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag.
None of these checks are carried out.
See also Section 9.2.
Constraint: check=Nag_SparseNsym_Check or Nag_SparseNsym_NoCheck.
12:   y[n]const ComplexInput
On entry: the right-hand side vector y.
13:   x[n]ComplexOutput
On exit: the solution vector x.
14:   failNagError *Input/Output
The NAG error argument (see Section 3.6 in the Essential Introduction).

6  Error Indicators and Warnings

Dynamic memory allocation failed.
On entry, argument value had an illegal value.
On entry, n=value.
Constraint: n1.
An internal error has occurred in this function. Check the function call and any array sizes. If the call is correct then please contact NAG for assistance.
On entry, i=value, icol[i-1]=value, and n=value.
Constraint: icol[i-1]1 and icol[i-1]n.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, i=value, irow[i-1]=value, n=value.
Constraint: irow[i-1]1 and irow[i-1]n.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, idiag[i-1] appears to be incorrect: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, istr appears to be invalid.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, istr[i-1] is inconsistent with irow: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, i=value, ipivp[i-1]=value, n=value.
Constraint: ipivp[i-1]1 and ipivp[i-1]n.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, i=value, ipivq[i-1]=value, n=value.
Constraint: ipivq[i-1]1 and ipivq[i-1]n.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, ipivp[i-1] is a repeated value: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, ipivq[i-1] is a repeated value: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, a[i-1] is out of order: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).
On entry, the location (irow[i-1],icol[i-1]) is a duplicate: i=value.
Check that a, irow, icol, ipivp, ipivq, istr and idiag have not been corrupted between calls to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) and nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).

7  Accuracy

If trans=Nag_NoTrans the computed solution x is the exact solution of a perturbed system of equations M+δMx=y, where
cn is a modest linear function of n, and ε is the machine precision. An equivalent result holds when trans=Nag_Trans.

8  Parallelism and Performance

Not applicable.

9  Further Comments

9.1  Timing

The time taken for a call to nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) is proportional to the value of nnzc returned from nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc).

9.2  Use of check

It is expected that a common use of nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) will be to carry out the preconditioning step required in the application of nag_sparse_nherm_basic_solver (f11bsc) to sparse complex linear systems. In this situation nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) is likely to be called many times with the same matrix M. In the interests of both reliability and efficiency, you are recommended to set check=Nag_SparseNsym_Check for the first of such calls, and to set check=Nag_SparseNsym_NoCheck for all subsequent calls.

10  Example

This example reads in a complex sparse non-Hermitian matrix A and a vector y. It then calls nag_sparse_nherm_fac (f11dnc), with lfill=-1 and dtol=0.0, to compute the complete LU decomposition
Finally it calls nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) to solve the system

10.1  Program Text

Program Text (f11dpce.c)

10.2  Program Data

Program Data (f11dpce.d)

10.3  Program Results

Program Results (f11dpce.r)

nag_sparse_nherm_precon_ilu_solve (f11dpc) (PDF version)
f11 Chapter Contents
f11 Chapter Introduction
NAG Library Manual

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2014