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Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_coeffs (d02ua)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_coeffs (d02ua) obtains the Chebyshev coefficients of a function discretized on Chebyshev Gauss–Lobatto points. The set of discretization points on which the function is evaluated is usually obtained by a previous call to nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_cgl_grid (d02uc).


[c, ifail] = d02ua(n, f)
[c, ifail] = nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_coeffs(n, f)


nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_coeffs (d02ua) computes the coefficients cj, for j=1,2,,n+1, of the interpolating Chebyshev series
12 c1 T0 x- + c2 T1 x- + c3T2 x- ++ cn+1 Tn x- ,  
which interpolates the function fx evaluated at the Chebyshev Gauss–Lobatto points
x-r = - cos r-1 π/n ,   r=1,2,,n+1 .  
Here Tjx- denotes the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree j with argument x- defined on -1,1. In terms of your original variable, x say, the input values at which the function values are to be provided are
xr = - 12 b - a cos πr-1 /n + 1 2 b + a ,   r=1,2,,n+1 , ​  
where b and a are respectively the upper and lower ends of the range of x over which the function is required.


Canuto C (1988) Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics 502 Springer
Canuto C, Hussaini M Y, Quarteroni A and Zang T A (2006) Spectral Methods: Fundamentals in Single Domains Springer
Trefethen L N (2000) Spectral Methods in MATLAB SIAM


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     n int64int32nag_int scalar
n, where the number of grid points is n+1. This is also the largest order of Chebyshev polynomial in the Chebyshev series to be computed.
Constraint: n>0 and n is even.
2:     fn+1 – double array
The function values fxr, for r=1,2,,n+1.

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     cn+1 – double array
The Chebyshev coefficients, cj, for j=1,2,,n+1.
2:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
Constraint: n>1.
Constraint: n is even.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


The Chebyshev coefficients computed should be accurate to within a small multiple of machine precision.

Further Comments

The number of operations is of the order n logn  and the memory requirements are On ; thus the computation remains efficient and practical for very fine discretizations (very large values of n).


See Example in nag_ode_bvp_ps_lin_solve (d02ue).
function d02ua_example

fprintf('d02ua example results\n\n');

% On [0,4], Solve u + ux = f0(x); u(0) = 0
% where f) is such that u(x) = sin(10xcos^2x).
% Set up Chebyshev grid on [a,b]
a = 0;
b = 4;
n = int64(128);
[x, ifail] = d02uc(n, a, b);

% Get Chebyshev coeficients on grid for f0(x) = 1.
z = 10*x.*cos(x).^2;
f0 = sin(z) - 10*cos(x).^2.*cos(10*x.*cos(x).^2).*(2*x.*tan(x)-1);
[f0_c, ifail] = d02ua(n, f0);

% Set up problem definition for  u + ux = f0 [(1 1).(u ux) = f0]
f = [1, 1];
% subject to u(a) = 0  [(1 0).(u ux)(a) = 0]
y = [a];
B = [1, 0];
beta = 0;

% Solve in coefficient space using f0_c for rhs.
[B, f, uc, resid, ifail] = d02ue(...
                                 n, a, b, f0_c, B, y, beta, f);

% Transform solution and derivative back to real space.
[u,  ifail] = d02ub(...
                    n, a, b, int64(0), uc(:, 1));
[ux, ifail] = d02ub(...
                    n, a, b, int64(1), uc(:, 2));

maxerr = max(abs(u - sin(z)));
fprintf('With n = %4d, maximum error in solution = %13.2e\n',n,maxerr);

% Plot solution
fig1 = figure;
title('Solution of u + u_x = f_0 on [0,4]');
ylabel('u(x) and u_x(x)');

d02ua example results

With n =  128, maximum error in solution =      5.33e-09

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

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