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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_enq (d02nr)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_enq (d02nr) is an enquiry function for communicating with nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom (d02nm) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn) when supplying columns of a sparse Jacobian matrix.


[j, iplace] = d02nr(inform)
[j, iplace] = nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_enq(inform)


nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_enq (d02nr) is required when nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom (d02nm) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn) is being used with sparse matrix linear algebra. After an exit from nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom (d02nm) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn) with irevcm=8, nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_enq (d02nr) must be called to determine which column of the Jacobian is required and where it is to be placed in the array rwork (a argument of nag_ode_ivp_stiff_exp_revcom (d02nm) or nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn)).


See the D02M–N Sub-chapter Introduction.


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     inform23 int64int32nag_int array
Contains information supplied by the integrator.

Optional Input Parameters


Output Parameters

1:     j int64int32nag_int scalar
The index j of the column of the Jacobian which is required.
2:     iplace int64int32nag_int scalar
Indicates which locations in the array rwork to fill with the jth column.
If iplace=1, the i,jth element of the Jacobian must be placed in rwork50+2×ldysav+i, otherwise the i,jth element must be placed in rwork50+ldysav+i.
If jceval='F', in the previous call to nag_ode_ivp_stiff_sparjac_setup (d02nu), then iplace=2 always, hence the jth column of the Jacobian must be placed in rwork50+ldysav+i, for i=1,2,,neq.

Error Indicators and Warnings



Not applicable.

Further Comments



See Example in nag_ode_ivp_stiff_imp_revcom (d02nn).
function d02nr_example

fprintf('d02nr example results\n\n');

% Initialize integration method setup variables and arrays.
neq    = int64(3);
neqmax = int64(neq);
nwkjac = int64(neqmax*(neqmax + 1));
maxord = int64(5);
sdysav = int64(maxord+1);
maxstp = int64(200);
mxhnil = int64(5);

h0    = 0;
hmax  = 10;
hmin  = 1.0e-10;
tcrit = 0;
petzld = false;

const  = zeros(6, 1);
rwork  = zeros(50+4*neqmax, 1);

[const, rwork, ifail] = d02nv(neqmax, sdysav, maxord, 'Newton', petzld, ...
                              const, tcrit, hmin, hmax, h0, maxstp, ...
                              mxhnil, 'Average-L2', rwork);

% Sparse Jacobian supplied, setup
ia     = int64(0);
ja     = int64(0);
njcpvt = int64(150);
nwkjac = int64(100);
eta    = 1.0e-4;
u      = 0.1;
sens   = 0.0;
lblock = true;

[jacpvt, rwork, ifail] = d02nu(...
    neq, neqmax, 'Analytical', nwkjac, ia, ja, ...
    njcpvt, sens, u, eta, lblock, rwork);

% Integration input variable intialization
t      = 0;
tout   = 10;
y      = [1; 0; 0];
ydot   = [0; 0; 0];
rtol   = [0.0001];
atol   = [1e-07];
itol   = int64(1);
inform = zeros(23, 1, 'int64');
ysave  = zeros(neq, sdysav);
wkjac  = zeros(nwkjac,1);
imon   = int64(0);
inln   = int64(0);
ires   = int64(1);
irevcm = int64(0);
lderiv = [false; false];
itask  = int64(3);
itrace = int64(0);

nfails = 0;

% pointers into rwork locations
lacorb = neqmax + 50;
lsavrb = lacorb + neqmax;
l1 = lsavrb+1; l2 = l1+1; l3 = l2+1;
m1 = lacorb+1; m2 = m1+1; m3 = m2+1;

fprintf('  Analytic Jacobian\n\n');
fprintf('     x           y_1          y_2           y_3\n');
fprintf(' %8.3f      %5.1f        %5.1f         %5.1f\n', t, y);
first_time = true;

% Main reverse communication loop controlled by irevcm

while (irevcm ~= 0 || first_time)
  first_time = false;

  [t, tout, y, ydot, rwork, inform, ysave, wkjac, ...
   jacpvt, imon, inln, ires, irevcm, lderiv, ifail] = ...
     d02nn(t, tout, y, ydot, rwork, rtol, atol, itol, inform, ...
     ysave, wkjac, jacpvt, imon, inln, ires, irevcm, lderiv, itask, itrace);

  if irevcm == 1 || irevcm == 3 || irevcm == 6 || irevcm == 11
    % Equivalent to resid evaluation in forward communication routines
    % ydot stored in ydot, resid returned in rwork(l1)
    rwork(l1) = -ydot(1) - ydot(2) - ydot(3);
    rwork(l2) = -ydot(2);
    rwork(l3) = -ydot(3);
    if (ires == 1)
      rwork(l1) =                                             rwork(l1);
      rwork(l2) = 0.04*y(1) - 1e4*y(2)*y(3) - 3e7*y(2)*y(2) + rwork(l2);
      rwork(l3) =                             3e7*y(2)*y(2) + rwork(l3);
  elseif (irevcm == 2)
    % Equivalent to resid evaluation in forward communication routines
    % ydot stored in rwork(l1:), resid returned in rwork(l1)
    rwork(l1) = -rwork(l1) - rwork(l2) - rwork(l3);
    rwork(l2) = -rwork(l2);
    rwork(l3) = -rwork(l3);
  elseif (irevcm == 4 || irevcm == 7)
    % Equivalent to resid evaluation in forward communication routines
    % ydot stored in ydot, resid returned in rwork(m1)
    rwork(m1) = -ydot(1) - ydot(2) - ydot(3);
    rwork(m2) = -ydot(2);
    rwork(m3) = -ydot(3);
    if (ires == 1)
      rwork(m1) =                                             rwork(m1);
      rwork(m2) = 0.04*y(1) - 1e4*y(2)*y(3) - 3e7*y(2)*y(2) + rwork(m2);
      rwork(m3) =                             3e7*y(2)*y(2) + rwork(m3);
  elseif (irevcm == 5)
    % Equivalent to resid evaluation in forward communication routines
    % ydot stored in rwork(l1:), resid returned in ydot
    ydot(1) = -rwork(l1) - rwork(l2) - rwork(l);
    ydot(2) = 0.04*y(1) - 1e4*y(2)*y(3) - 3e7*y(2)*y(2) - rwork(l2);
    ydot(3) =                             3e7*y(2)*y(2) - rwork(l3);
  elseif (irevcm == 8)
    % Equivalent to jac evaluation in forward communication routines
    [j, iplace] = d02nr(inform);
    hxd = rwork(16)*rwork(20);
    if (iplace < 2)
      if (j < 2)
        rwork(l1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(l2) = 0 - hxd*(0.04);
        rwork(l3) = 0 - hxd*(0);
      elseif (j == 2)
        rwork(l1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(l2) = 1 - hxd*(-1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2));
        rwork(l3) = 0 - hxd*(6e7*y(2));
      elseif (j > 2)
        rwork(l1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(l2) = 0 - hxd*(-1e4*y(2));
        rwork(l3) = 1 - hxd*(0);
      if (j < 2)
        rwork(m1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(m2) = 0 - hxd*(0.04);
        rwork(m3) = 0 - hxd*(0);
      elseif (j == 2)
        rwork(m1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(m2) = 1 - hxd*(-1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2));
        rwork(m3) = 0 - hxd*(6e7*y(2));
      elseif (j > 2)
        rwork(m1) = 1 - hxd*(0);
        rwork(m2) = 0 - hxd*(-1e4*y(2));
        rwork(m3) = 1 - hxd*(0);
  elseif (irevcm == 10)
    % Step failure
    nfails = nfails + 1;

[hu, h, tcur, tolsf, nst, nre, nje, nqu, nq, nit, imxer, algequ, ifail] = ...
    d02ny(neq, neqmax, rwork, inform);

[y, ifail] = d02mz(tout, neq, neq, ysave, rwork);

% Print solution and diagnostics
fprintf(' %8.3f      %5.1f        %5.1f         %5.1f\n', t, y);
fprintf('\nDiagnostic information\n integration status:\n');
fprintf('   last and next step sizes = %8.5f, %8.5f\n',hu, h);
fprintf('   integration stopped at x = %8.5f\n',tcur);
fprintf(' algorithm statistics:\n');
fprintf('   number of time-steps and Newton iterations  = %5d %5d\n',nst,nit);
fprintf('   number of residual and jacobian evaluations = %5d %5d\n',nre,nje);
fprintf('   order of method last used and next to use   = %5d %5d\n',nqu,nq);
fprintf('   component with largest error                = %5d\n',imxer);
fprintf('   number of failed steps                      = %5d\n\n',nfails);

icall = int64(0);
[liwreq, liwusd, lrwreq, lrwusd, nlu, nz, ngp, isplit, igrow, nblock] = ...
    d02nx(icall, true, inform);

fprintf(' sparse jacobian statistics:\n');
fprintf('   njcpvt - required = %3d, used = %3d\n',liwreq,liwusd);
fprintf('   nwkjac - required = %3d, used = %3d\n',lrwreq,lrwusd);
fprintf('   No. of LU-decomps = %3d, No. of nonzeros = %3d\n',nlu,nz);
fprintf(['   No. of function calls to form Jacobian = %3d, try ', ...
    'isplit = %3d\n'], ngp, isplit);
fprintf([' Growth estimate = %d, No. of blocks on diagonal %3d\n\n'], ...
    igrow, nblock);

d02nr example results

  Analytic Jacobian

     x           y_1          y_2           y_3
    0.000        1.0          0.0           0.0
 Warning: Equation(=i1) and possibly other equations are
 implicit and in calculating the initial values the
 equations will be treated as implicit.
 In above message i1 =         1
   10.767        0.8          0.0           0.2

Diagnostic information
 integration status:
   last and next step sizes =  0.90181,  0.90181
   integration stopped at x = 10.76669
 algorithm statistics:
   number of time-steps and Newton iterations  =    55    80
   number of residual and jacobian evaluations =    89    17
   order of method last used and next to use   =     4     4
   component with largest error                =     3
   number of failed steps                      =     4

 sparse jacobian statistics:
   njcpvt - required =  99, used = 150
   nwkjac - required =  31, used =  75
   No. of LU-decomps =  17, No. of nonzeros =   8
   No. of function calls to form Jacobian =   0, try isplit =  73
 Growth estimate = 1531, No. of blocks on diagonal   1

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, UK. 2009–2015