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Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

NAG Toolbox: nag_correg_pls_fit (g02lc)


    1  Purpose
    2  Syntax
    7  Accuracy
    9  Example


nag_correg_pls_fit (g02lc) calculates parameter estimates for a given number of factors given the output from an orthogonal scores PLS regression (nag_correg_pls_svd (g02la) or nag_correg_pls_wold (g02lb)).


[b, ob, vip, ifail] = g02lc(nfact, p, c, w, rcond, orig, xbar, ybar, iscale, xstd, ystd, vipopt, ycv, 'ip', ip, 'my', my, 'maxfac', maxfac)
[b, ob, vip, ifail] = nag_correg_pls_fit(nfact, p, c, w, rcond, orig, xbar, ybar, iscale, xstd, ystd, vipopt, ycv, 'ip', ip, 'my', my, 'maxfac', maxfac)


The parameter estimates B for a l-factor orthogonal scores PLS model with m predictor variables and r response variables are given by,
B=W PTW-1 CT , B m×r ,  
where W is the m by k (l) matrix of x-weights; P is the m by k matrix of x-loadings; and C is the r by k matrix of y-loadings for a fitted PLS model.
The parameter estimates B are for centred, and possibly scaled, predictor data X1 and response data Y1. Parameter estimates may also be given for the predictor data X and response data Y.
Optionally, nag_correg_pls_fit (g02lc) will calculate variable influence on projection (VIP) statistics, see Wold (1994).


Wold S (1994) PLS for multivariate linear modelling QSAR: chemometric methods in molecular design Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (ed van de Waterbeemd H) Verlag-Chemie


Compulsory Input Parameters

1:     nfact int64int32nag_int scalar
l, the number of factors to include in the calculation of parameter estimates.
Constraint: 1nfactmaxfac.
2:     pldpmaxfac – double array
ldp, the first dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint ldpip.
3:     cldcmaxfac – double array
ldc, the first dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint ldcmy.
4:     wldwmaxfac – double array
ldw, the first dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint ldwip.
5:     rcond – double scalar
Singular values of PTW less than rcond times the maximum singular value are treated as zero when calculating parameter estimates. If rcond is negative, a value of 0.005 is used.
6:     orig int64int32nag_int scalar
Indicates how parameter estimates are calculated.
Parameter estimates for the centered, and possibly, scaled data.
Parameter estimates for the original data.
Constraint: orig=-1 or 1.
7:     xbarip – double array
If orig=1, mean values of predictor variables in the model; otherwise xbar is not referenced.
8:     ybarmy – double array
If orig=1, mean value of each response variable in the model; otherwise ybar is not referenced.
9:     iscale int64int32nag_int scalar
If orig=1, iscale must take the value supplied to either nag_correg_pls_svd (g02la) or nag_correg_pls_wold (g02lb); otherwise iscale is not referenced.
Constraint: if orig=1, iscale=-1, 1 or 2.
10:   xstdip – double array
If orig=1 and iscale-1, the scalings of predictor variables in the model as returned from either nag_correg_pls_svd (g02la) or nag_correg_pls_wold (g02lb); otherwise xstd is not referenced.
11:   ystdmy – double array
If orig=1 and iscale-1, the scalings of response variables as returned from either nag_correg_pls_svd (g02la) or nag_correg_pls_wold (g02lb); otherwise ystd is not referenced.
12:   vipopt int64int32nag_int scalar
A flag that determines variable influence on projections (VIP) options.
VIP are not calculated.
VIP are calculated for predictor variables using the mean explained variance in responses.
VIP are calculated for predictor variables for each response variable in the model.
Note that setting vipopt=my when my=1 gives the same result as setting vipopt=1 directly.
Constraint: vipopt=0, 1 or my.
13:   ycvldycvmy – double array
ldycv, the first dimension of the array, must satisfy the constraint if vipopt0, ldycvnfact.
If vipopt0, ycvij is the cumulative percentage of variance of the jth response variable explained by the first i factors, for i=1,2,,nfact and j=1,2,,my; otherwise ycv is not referenced.

Optional Input Parameters

1:     ip int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the arrays xbar, xstd and the first dimension of the arrays p, w. (An error is raised if these dimensions are not equal.)
m, the number of predictor variables in the fitted model.
Constraint: ip>1.
2:     my int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the dimension of the arrays ybar, ystd and the first dimension of the array c and the second dimension of the array ycv. (An error is raised if these dimensions are not equal.)
r, the number of response variables.
Constraint: my1.
3:     maxfac int64int32nag_int scalar
Default: the second dimension of the arrays p, c, w. (An error is raised if these dimensions are not equal.)
k, the number of factors available in the PLS model.
Constraint: 1maxfacip.

Output Parameters

1:     bldbmy – double array
bij contains the parameter estimate for the ith predictor variable in the model for the jth response variable, for i=1,2,,ip and j=1,2,,my.
2:     obldobmy – double array
If orig=1, ob1j contains the intercept value for the jth response variable, and obi+1j contains the parameter estimate on the original scale for the ith predictor variable in the model, for i=1,2,,ip and j=1,2,,my. Otherwise ob is not referenced.
3:     vipldvipvipopt – double array
If vipopt=1, vipi1 contains the VIP statistic for the ith predictor variable in the model for all response variables, for i=1,2,,ip.
If vipopt=my, vipij contains the VIP statistic for the ith predictor variable in the model for the jth response variable, for i=1,2,,ip and j=1,2,,my.
Otherwise vip is not referenced.
4:     ifail int64int32nag_int scalar
ifail=0 unless the function detects an error (see Error Indicators and Warnings).

Error Indicators and Warnings

Errors or warnings detected by the function:
Constraint: if orig=1, iscale=-1 or 1.
Constraint: ip>1.
Constraint: my1.
Constraint: orig=-1 or 1.
Constraint: vipopt=0, 1 or my.
Constraint: 1maxfacip.
Constraint: 1nfactmaxfac.
Constraint: if orig=1, ldobip+1.
Constraint: if vipopt0, ldvipip.
Constraint: if vipopt0, ldycvnfact.
Constraint: ldbip.
Constraint: ldcmy.
Constraint: ldpip.
Constraint: ldwip.
An unexpected error has been triggered by this routine. Please contact NAG.
Your licence key may have expired or may not have been installed correctly.
Dynamic memory allocation failed.


The calculations are based on the singular value decomposition of PTW.

Further Comments

nag_correg_pls_fit (g02lc) allocates internally ll+r+4+max2l,r elements of double storage.


This example reads in details of a PLS model, and a set of parameter estimates are calculated along with their VIP statistics.
function g02lc_example

fprintf('g02lc example results\n\n');

nfact = int64(2);
p = [-0.6708, -1.0047,  0.6505,  0.6169;
      0.4943,  0.1355, -0.9010, -0.2388;
     -0.4167, -1.9983, -0.5538,  0.8474;
      0.3930,  1.2441, -0.6967, -0.4336;
      0.3267,  0.5838, -1.4088, -0.6323;
      0.0145,  0.9607,  1.6594,  0.5361;
     -2.4471,  0.3532, -1.1321, -1.3554;
      3.5198,  0.6005,  0.2191,  0.0380;
      1.0973,  2.0635, -0.4074, -0.3522;
     -2.4466,  2.5640, -0.4806,  0.3819;
      2.2732, -1.3110, -0.7686, -1.8959;
     -1.7987,  2.4088, -0.9475, -0.4727;
      0.3629,  0.2241, -2.6332,  2.3739;
      0.3629,  0.2241, -2.6332,  2.3739;
     -0.3629, -0.2241,  2.6332, -2.3739];
c = [ 3.5425,  1.0475,  0.2548,  0.1866];
w = [-1.5764e-1  -1.5935e-1   1.7774e-1   5.4029e-2;
      8.5680e-2  -1.5240e-4  -1.2179e-1   1.0989e-1;
     -1.6931e-1  -3.7431e-1   9.4348e-2   3.1878e-1;
      1.2153e-1   2.0589e-1  -1.8144e-1  -4.4610e-2;
      7.1133e-2   5.5884e-2  -2.6916e-1   5.4912e-2;
      6.5188e-2   2.4170e-1   2.3365e-1  -1.8849e-1;
     -4.2481e-1  -1.8798e-3  -3.2413e-1  -1.1600e-1;
      6.5370e-1   1.6725e-1   2.1908e-1   2.5461e-1;
      2.8504e-1   3.6549e-1  -1.9244e-1  -1.5430e-1;
     -2.9341e-1   5.0464e-1  -1.0952e-2   1.3881e-1;
      2.9829e-1  -3.6979e-1  -4.9942e-1  -4.9355e-1;
     -2.0313e-1   4.1952e-1  -2.5684e-1  -7.5647e-2;
      5.6905e-2  -2.3197e-2  -3.0503e-1   3.9673e-1;
      5.6905e-2  -2.3197e-2  -3.0503e-1   3.9673e-1;
     -5.6905e-2   2.3197e-2   3.0503e-1  -3.9673e-1];
vipopt = int64(1);
ycv  = [89.638060; 97.476270; 97.939839; 98.188474];

% Means and scalings
orig = int64(1);
xbar = [-2.6137; -2.3614; -1.0449;  2.8614;  0.3156;
        -0.2641; -0.3146; -1.1221;  0.2401;  0.4694;
        -1.9619;  0.1691;  2.5664;  1.3741; -2.7821];
ybar = [0.452];
iscale = int64(1);
xstd = [1.4956;   1.3233;  0.5829;  0.7735;  0.6247;
        0.7966;   2.4113;  2.0421;  0.4678;  0.8197;
        0.9420;   0.1735;  1.0475;  0.1359;  1.3853];
ystd = [0.9062];

% Calculate predictions
rcond = -1;
[b, ob, vip, ifail] = ...
g02lc( ...
       nfact, p, c, w, rcond, orig, xbar, ybar, ...
       iscale, xstd, ystd, vipopt, ycv);

% Display results
disp('Parameter estimates');
disp('Intercept values');
disp('VIP statistics');

g02lc example results

Parameter estimates

Intercept values

VIP statistics

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Chapter Contents
Chapter Introduction
NAG Toolbox

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