NAG Parallel Library

Release 3 News

1 Introduction

Release 3 represents a significant expansion of the NAG Parallel Library. It contains a total of 183 documented routines, of which 95 are new at this release.

The new facilities include a new Chapter, C06, containing routines for discrete Fourier transforms in one, two and three dimensions; considerable additional functionality in the area of the solution of sparse linear equations, for example, complex equivalents of the real solvers and further preconditioners; ScaLAPACK routines for the solution of banded and tridiagonal linear systems, and for the solution of symmetric and Hermitian eigenproblems; black box solvers for the solution of banded and tridiagonal linear systems; random number generators for uniform, Normal and exponential distributions; utility routines to aid in operations such the generation and distribution of dense and sparse matrices, and vectors distributed conformally to a sparse matrix; and utility routines to gather and output dense matrices and vectors distributed conformally to a sparse matrix.

2 New Routines

The 95 new user callable routines included in the NAG Parallel Library at Release 3 are as follows:
C06FUFP Direct or inverse two-dimensional Fourier transform of a complex sequence
C06GXFP Factorizes a positive integer n as n = n1 x n2. This routine may be used in conjunction with C06MCFP
C06MCFP Direct or inverse one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of a complex seqence
C06MXFP Direct or inverse three-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of a complex sequence
F01CPFP Element-wise maximum or minimum in absolute value of integer matrices
F01WAFP Gather real matrix, regarded as submatrix of matrix distributed in cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapters F07 and F08
F01WBFP Gather real matrix distributed in cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapter F04
F01WGFP Gather complex matrix distributed in cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapters F07 and F08
F01WHFP Gather complex matrix distributed in cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapter F04
F01WNFP Scatter real matrix from the root processor to the Library Grid using cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapters F07 and F08
F01WPFP Scatter real matrix from the root processor to the Library Grid using cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapter F04
F01WUFP Scatter complex matrix from the root processor to the Library Grid using cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapters F07 and F08
F01WVFP Scatter complex matrix from the root processor to the Library Grid using cyclic two-dimensional block format, used with routines from Chapter F04
F01XAFP Scatter real sparse matrix, stored in coordinate storage format, using cyclic row block distribution
F01XEFP Scatter real vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XFFP Gather real vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XGFP Scatter integer vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XHFP Gather integer vector, distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XPFP Scatter complex sparse matrix, stored in coordinate storage format, using cyclic row block distribution, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XTFP Scatter complex vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01XUFP Gather complex vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01YBFP In-place generation of real sparse matrix using cyclic row block distribution (suitable for repeated sparsity pattern), used with routines from Chapter F11
F01YPFP In-place generation of complex sparse matrix according to cyclic row block distribution, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01YQFP In-place generation of complex sparse matrix according to cyclic row block distribution (suitable for repeated sparsity pattern)
F01YTFP In-place generation of complex dense vector distributed conformally to sparse matrix, used with routines from Chapter F11
F01YWFP In-place generation of complex Hermitian banded matrix in column block fashion, used with routines from Chapter F07
F01YXFP In-place generation of real symmetric banded matrix in column block fashion, used with routines from Chapter F07
F01YYFP In-place generation of real matrix in row block fashion on a one-dimensional grid of processors, used with routines from Chapter F07
F01YZFP In-place generation of complex matrix in row block fashion on a one-dimensional grid of processors, used with routines from Chapter F07
F01ZHFP Generates an l by m by n three-dimensional array A(i,j,k) on a grid of processors in i-block form
F01ZMFP In-place generation of real matrix in row block fashion, used with routines from Chapters C06 and F04
F01ZNFP In-place generation of complex matrix in row block fashion, used with routines from Chapter F04
F01ZYFP In-place generation of complex vector in column block fashion, used with routines from Chapter F07
F01ZZFP In-place generation of real vector in column block fashion, used with routines from Chapter F07
F04HBFP Solution of real symmetric banded linear system (Black Box)
F04HZFP Solution of complex Hermitian banded linear system (Black Box)
F04JBFP Solution of real symmetric tridiagonal linear system (Black Box)
F04JZFP Solution of complex Hermitian tridiagonal linear system (Black Box)
F07HDFP (PDPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric banded matrix with no pivoting
F07HEFP (PDPBTRS) Solution of real symmetric banded linear system, matrix already factorized by F07HDFP (PDPBTRF)
F07HRFP (PZPBTRF) Cholesky factorization of complex Hermitian banded matrix with no-pivoting
F07HSFP (PZPBTRS) Solution of complex Hermitian banded linear system, matrix already factorized by F07HRFP (PZPBTRF)
F07JDFP (PDPTTRF) Cholesky factorization of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix with no-pivoting
F07JEFP (PDPTTRS) Solution of real symmetric tridiagonal linear system, matrix already factorized by F07JDFP (PDPTTRF)
F07JRFP (PZPTTRF) Factorization of complex Hermitian tridiagonal matrix with no-pivoting
F07JSFP (PZPTTRS) Solution of real symmetric tridiagonal linear system, matrix already factorized by F07JRFP (PZPTTRF)
F08FGFP (PDORMTR) Apply orthogonal transformation determined by F08FEFP (PDSYTRD)
F08FSFP (PZHETRD) Unitary reduction of complex Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form
F08FUFP (PZUNMTR) Apply unitary transformation matrix determined by F08FSFP (PZHETRD)
F08JKFP (PDSTEIN) Selected eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration, storing eigenvectors in real array
F08JXFP (PZSTEIN) Selected eigenvectors of real symmetric tridiagonal matrix by inverse iteration, storing eigenvectors in complex array
F11BRFP Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system, reverse-communication, set-up for F11BSFP
F11BSFP Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system, reverse-communication, solver using preconditioned GMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB
F11BTFP Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system, reverse-communication, diagnostic for F11BSFP
F11DDFP Apply iterations of SOR method to real sparse linear system, used mostly as SOR preconditioner for real sparse matrix
F11DEFP Solution of real sparse nonsymmetric linear system using Jacobi, SOR or no preconditioned RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB (Black Box)
F11DKFP Apply iterations of relaxed Jacobi iterative method to a real sparse linear system, used mostly as Jacobi preconditioner for real sparse matrix
F11DRFP Apply iterations of SOR method to the complex sparse linear system, used mostly as SOR preconditioner for complex sparse matrix
F11DSFP Solution of complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system using Jacobi, SOR or no preconditioned RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB (Black Box)
F11DTFP Compute incomplete LU factorization of local diagonal blocks of complex sparse matrix
F11DUFP Complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system solver, reverse-communication, block-Jacobi preconditioner generated by F11DTFP
F11DVFP Solution of complex sparse non-Hermitian linear system using block Jacobi preconditioned RGMRES, CGS or Bi-CGSTAB (Black Box)
F11DXFP Apply iterations of relaxed Jacobi iterative method to complex sparse linear system, used mostly as Jacobi preconditioner for complex sparse matrix
F11JEFP Solution of real sparse symmetric linear system using Jacobi, SSOR or no preconditioned CG or SYMMLQ (Black Box)
F11JHFP Solution of sparse symmetric linear system using block Jacobi preconditioned CG or SYMMLQ (Black Box)
F11XPFP Matrix-vector multiplication for complex sparse matrix
F11YAFP Permutation of non-zero entries of real sparse matrix with repeated sparsity pattern
F11YBFP Permutation of real vector from distribution based order to local indexing based order
F11YCFP Permutation of real vector from local indexing based order to distribution based order
F11YNFP Permutation of non-zero entries of complex sparse matrix with repeated sparsity pattern
F11YPFP Permutation of complex vector from distribution based order to local indexing based order
F11YQFP Permutation of complex vector from local indexing based order to distribution based order
F11ZBFP General set-up routine for real sparse matrix distributed in cyclic row block form (suitable for repeated sparsity pattern)
F11ZGFP Generates multi-colour ordering for real sparse matrix with symmetric sparsity pattern, distributed in row block form
F11ZPFP General set-up routine for complex sparse matrix, distributed in cyclic row block form (suitable for repeated sparsity pattern)
F11ZUFP Generates multi-colour ordering for complex sparse matrix with symmetric sparsity pattern, distributed in row block form.
F11ZZFP Release of internally allocated memory
G05ACFP Function returning pseudo-random real number from the interval [a,b), uniform distribution
G05ADFP Function returning pseudo-random real number from the interval [a,b), Normal distribution
G05AEFP Function returning pseudo-random real number from the interval [a,b), exponential distribution
G05AZFP Function returning pseudo-random integer from the interval [ia,ib), uniform distribution
G05BAFP Pseudo-random real numbers from the interval (0,0), uniform distribution
G05BBFP Selects random number generator and initialises seeds to give repeatable sequence
G05BCFP Pseudo-random real numbers from the interval (a,b), uniform distribution
G05BDFP Pseudo-random real numbers from the interval (a,b), Normal distribution
G05BEFP Pseudo-random real numbers from the interval (a,b), exponential distribution
G05BZFP Pseudo-random integers from the interval (ia,ib), uniform distribution
X04BMFP Outputs set of general integer matrices distributed on a two-dimensional logical processor grid
X04BXFP Outputs real matrix stored in row block fashion
X04BZFP Outputs complex matrix stored in row block fashion
X04YPFP Outputs complex vector, distributed conformally to sparse matrix to a sequential file
Z01CFFP Computes number of rows of a row block distributed matrix owned by a processor
Z01ZAFP Returns information on coordinates in Library Grid set up by Z01AAFP
Z01ZBFP Creates an MPI communicator from a Library context
Z02EAFP Specification of error checking level, can reduce the amount of checking carried out in subsequent calls to other Library routines

3 Renamed Routines

Three routines from Release 2 of the NAG Parallel Library have been renamed at Release 3 for compatibility with the NAG Fortran Library:
Release 2 Release 3
The user is advised to read the new document.

4 Withdrawn Routines

Release 3 of the NAG Parallel Library only supports the use of MPI as the message passing system, and in consequence three utility routines concerned with support for PVM have been withdrawn.
Withdrawn Routine Recommended Replacement
Z01BFFP None

5 Routines Scheduled for Withdrawal

The routines listed below are scheduled for withdrawal from the NAG Parallel Library, because improved routines have been included in the Library. In keeping with the current release of ScaLAPACK, all the ScaLAPACK routines (Chapters F07 and F08) that include the arguments LWORK or LIWORK now have the facility to query how large workspace should be by setting LWORK or LIWORK to -1 on input, consequently the corresponding Z01 routines are now redundant.

The following routines will be withdrawn at Release 4.
Routines Scheduled for Withdrawal Recommended Replacement
Z01CBFP Set LWORK = -1 in call to F08AEFP or F08AFFP
Z01CCFP Set LWORK = -1 in call to F08AGFP
Z01CEFP Set LWORK = -1 in call to F08FEFP

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2000