nag_real_svd (f02wec) Example Program Results
Example 1
Singular value decomposition of A

Singular values
   6.5616   3.0000   2.4384

Left-hand singular vectors, by column
   0.6011  -0.1961  -0.3165
   0.6011  -0.1961  -0.3165
   0.4166   0.1569   0.6941
   0.1688  -0.3922   0.5636
  -0.2742  -0.8629   0.0139

Right-hand singular vectors, by column
   0.4694  -0.7845   0.4054
   0.4324  -0.1961  -0.8801
   0.7699   0.5883   0.2471

Vector Q'*B
   1.6716   0.3922  -0.2276  -0.1000  -0.1000

Example 2
Singular value decomposition of A

Singular values

   6.5616   3.0000   2.4384

Left-hand singular vectors, by column

  -0.4694   0.7845  -0.4054
  -0.4324   0.1961   0.8801
  -0.7699  -0.5883  -0.2471
Right-hand singular vectors, by column

  -0.6011   0.1961   0.3165
  -0.6011   0.1961   0.3165
  -0.4166  -0.1569  -0.6941
  -0.1688   0.3922  -0.5636
   0.2742   0.8629  -0.0139