NAG C Library, Mark 26.2


Marvell ThunderX2 aarch64, Linux 64-bit, GNU gcc/gfortran, 32-bit integers

Installer's Note


1. Introduction

This document provides implementation-specific information relating to the installation of the NAG Library specified in the title.

By installing this software you agree to NAG's Terms and Conditions. Please note that these Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. The NAG Software Licence Terms and Conditions and details of revisions are available from

2. Implementation Provided

2.1. Applicability

This implementation is a compiled, tested, ready-to-use version of the NAG Library that is considered suitable for operation on the computer systems detailed below:

hardware:          Marvell ThunderX2 aarch64 systems and compatible
operating system:  Linux 4.14.0-115.2.2 (glibc-2.17) and compatible
Fortran compiler:  GNU gfortran 7.4.0 and compatible
C compiler:        GNU gcc 7.4.0 and compatible

The definitions and sizes of the Integer and Pointer types used in this implementation are shown in Section 3.3 of the Users' Note.

2.2. Derivation and Additional Test Platforms

This implementation was produced at NAG Ltd., Oxford on the computing system detailed below:

hardware:                  Marvell ThunderX2 aarch64
operating system:          Linux version 4.14.0-115.2.2.el7a.aarch64 (CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (AltArch))
                           with glibc-2.17-260
Fortran compiler:          GNU Fortran (GCC) 7.4.0
C compiler:                GNU C (GCC) 7.4.0
vendor library:            ARMPL version 18.4.2
Fortran compiler options: -fPIC -fno-second-underscore
C compiler options:       -fPIC -fexceptions

For details of any other systems on which this implementation has been tested, please see the Supplementary Information page on our website.

2.3. Supplementary Information

Please check the following URL:

for details of any new information related to the applicability or usage of this implementation. Details of any other systems on which it has been tested may also be found on this page.

3. Distribution

By agreement from NAG, the software may be downloaded from our secure website.

3.1. Contents

The following shows the directory and file organization of the implementation materials after installation.
                    |- in.html  (Installer's Note - this document)
            |- doc -|- un.html  (Users' Note)
            |       |- nag_tsandcs.txt  (NAG Software Licence Ts & Cs)
            |       |- libnagc_nag.a     (static self-contained library
            |       |                     including NAG BLAS/LAPACK)
            |       |-  (shareable self-contained library
            |       |                        including NAG BLAS/LAPACK)
            |       |-    (symbolic link pointing at
            |- lib -|           
            |       |- libnagc_armpl.a   (static library requiring
            |       |                     ARMPL BLAS/LAPACK)
            |       |-  (shareable library requiring
            |       |                          ARMPL BLAS/LAPACK)
            |       |-  (symbolic link pointing at
            |       |           
clla8262g  -|
            |- include -|- *.h
            |- nag_interface_blocks -|- * (Fortran interface blocks for NAG
            |                              Library routines)
            |            |- source --|- ??????e.c
            |            |
            |- examples -|- data ----|- ??????e.d
            |            |           |- ??????e.opt
            |            |
            |            |- results -|- ??????e.r
            |              |- source --|- ??????e.f90
            |              |
            |- f_examples -|- data ----|- ??????e.d
            |              |           |- ??????e.opt
            |              |
            |              |- results -|- ??????e.r
            |           |- nagc_example*  (scripts to compile and run
            |- scripts -|                  NAG example programs)
            |           |
            |           |- nag_recompile_mods  (script to recompile
            |                                   Fortran interface blocks)
            |- c_headers -|- * (C/C++ header file and information)

The following shows the directory and file organization of the Library Manual materials after installation.

             |- nagdoc_cl26.2
nagdoc_26.2 -| 
             |- nagdoc_fl26.2
             |- index.html

nagdoc_cl26.2 -|- index.html
               |- examples -|- baseresults -|- *.r.html
               |            |- source      -|- *.c.html (syntax highlighted
               |            |                            source files)
               |            |- data        -|- *.d.html
               |            |               |- *.opt.html
               |            |- replaced    -|- *.c.html
               |- html  -|- frontmatter -|- manconts.html  (main HTML index)
                         |               |- copyright.html (copyright notice)
                         |- genint -|- *.html  (general introductory material)
                         |- [a00-x07] -|- *conts.html  (chapter contents)
                         |             |- *intro.html  (chapter introduction)
                         |             |- *c.html      (routine documents)
                         |- figures -|- *.png  (figures and plotfiles)
                         |- styles -|- *.css  (CSS stylesheets)
                                    |- *.js   (JavaScript)

nagdoc_fl26.2 -|- index.html
               |- examples -|- baseresults -|- *.r.html
               |            |- source      -|- *.f90.html (syntax highlighted
               |            |                              source files)
               |            |- data        -|- *.d.html
               |                            |- *.opt.html
               |- html  -|- frontmatter -|- manconts.html  (main HTML index)
               |         |               |- *.html         (foreword &
               |         |                                  copyright notice)
               |         |
               |         |- genint -|- *.html  (general introductory material)
               |         |
               |         |- [a00-x10] -|- *conts.html  (chapter contents)
               |         |             |- *intro.html  (chapter introduction)
               |         |             |- *f.html      (routine documents)
               |         |
               |         |- figures -|- *.png  (figures and plotfiles)
               |         |
               |         |- styles -|- *.css  (CSS stylesheets)
               |                    |- *.js   (JavaScript)
               |- adexamples -|- baseresults -|- *.r.html
               |              |- source      -|- *.cpp.html (syntax highlighted
               |              |               |              C++ source files)
               |              |               |- *.f90.html (syntax highlighted
               |              |                              Fortran source files)
               |              |- data        -|- *.d.html
               |- adhtml-|- index.html  (AD Library index)
                         |- [c05-s] -|- *_ad_f.html  (routine documents)
                         |- styles -|- *.css  (CSS stylesheet)

Details of the software are given in the Users' Note (un.html).

4. Installation

4.1. Installation of Library Software and Manual

Assuming you have downloaded the Library materials from our website as a tar gzip file (clla8262g.tgz), cd to the directory where the file is located and extract the installation materials using the following command:

  tar xvzf clla8262g.tgz
This will extract the files, cl26.tgz, nag_tsandcs.txt, in.html and un.html.

If you have downloaded the Library Manual as a tar gzip file (mk26-2_doc.tgz), move the file into the same location as the Library materials. You can then install the materials from the download directory by executing the shell script in a command window as:

By default, the materials will be installed under $HOME/NAG/, or if the directory $HOME does not exist, under /opt/NAG/. However, you may choose a different location. In this document we refer to the directory $HOME/NAG/clla8262g or /opt/NAG/clla8262g as [INSTALL_DIR]. This convention is also used in the Users' Note.

The install script can install the Library Manual in the same location as the NAG Library material or at some other location of your choice. Alternatively, the Library Manual may be viewed from the NAG website (

4.1.1. Silent Installation

It is also possible to run in unattended or silent modes. The installer takes command line switches for this purpose:

4.2. Further Information

4.2.1. Checking the Installation

Access to the Library materials can be checked by running a few example programs following the advice given in the Users' Note, Section 3.1; a suitable sample would be d01sjc, f07adc and g05sjc. The installation can also be tested using the scripts nagc_example* (see Users' Note, Section 3.2).

5. Support from NAG

Please see

for information about the NAG Technical Support Service, including details of the NAG Technical Support Service contact points. We would also be delighted to receive your feedback on NAG's products and services.

6. Contact Addresses

Please see

for worldwide contact details for the Numerical Algorithms Group.